聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=778175&day=2014-05-12
We all know what we get like after one too many glasses of wine, but we were quite surprised to see a group of elephants appear to be drunk.
The herd of young calves were captured stumbling around Singita Kruger National Park in South Africa, acting like they’d just had a boozy night out.
But instead of downing too many glasses of wine, the elephants had been nibbling marula fruit.
Ross Couper, a field guide at Singita Kruger National Park, captured these hilarious images.
He witnessed the animals move through the bush, feeding on the fruit strewn across the ground - the older and wiser elephants teaching the young what to eat.
One of the adult cow elephants forcefully knocked the fruit down from a tree, shaking it back and forth for the young to feed on.
But as they had already snacked on marula throughout their journey, it wasn’t long before the youngsters started to behave as if they’d been knocking back the beers.
According to African myth this sweet fruit can have an intoxicating effect on large mammals when they eat large amounts.
get/be drunk on/with something:片語,因某物而醉、沉醉或陶醉於某物或某種感覺。例句:Many politicians are drunk with power.(許多政治人物醉心於權力。)
one too many:片語,喝過量的酒以致喝醉;多餘的,太多。例句:Joe has one too many.(喬喝多醉了。)
knock back:片語,(快速、大口)喝光(酒)。例句:Steve knocked back four shots of vodka in 5 minutes.(史蒂夫在5分鐘內乾掉4杯伏特加。)
聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=778175&day=2014-05-12