

  • 練習題1: 請判斷下列名詞前應該加上不定冠詞aan


1.      ____________ operational definition (操作性定義)

2.      ____________ island country (島國)

3.      ____________ honest man (誠實的人)

4.      ____________ X-ray photograph (X光照片)

5.      ____________ NATO official (北大西洋公約組織官員)

6.      ____________ engineering textbook (工程學教科書)

7.      ____________ vacuum tube (真空管)

8.      ____________ unit of lesson (一課)

9.      ____________ unsolved problem (尚未解決的問題)

10.  ____________ Yahoo website (Yahoo的網頁)


 1. an     2. an    3. an     4. an     5. a

6. an     7. a     8. a      9. an     10. a





  • 練習題2:請在以下這段論文中填入適當的定冠詞the、不定冠詞a, an、或無冠詞 0

                     Socializing Functions of Schooling

Public schools, particularly ___1___ high schools, are not simply vehicles for ___2___ transmission of academic knowledge. Most in ___3___ U.S. view them as having ___4___ important socializing function as well as sources of information about future schooling and ___5___ career opportunities. ___6___ socializing function of schooling has been extremely important historically in assimilating new immigrants into ___7___ U.S. society. In fact, accompanying ___8___ folk belief that immigrants should be mainstreamed as rapidly as possible is ___9___ implicit assumption that newcomers will inevitably be drawn into ___10___ social life of the school during this process. Thus, ___11___ folk belief dictates they will not only be motivated to learn ___12___ English but also will come to share ___13___ same social outlook as their U.S.-born peers. In terms of peer interaction, the social aspect of ___14___ Gateview High School provided ___15___ number of potentially rich opportunities for L2 learners to learn language through interaction with their native-English-speaking peers.




 1. 0      2. the     3. the     4. an      5. 0

6. The    7. 0       8. the     9. the     10. the

11. the    12. 0     13. the    14. 0      15. a


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