聯合翻譯 引用自http://blogs.teachersammy.com/Blogs/entry/describing-computer-crash-in-English#.VOGNgvmUf5M
在英文裡是用動詞 crash [kræʃ] 這個字來表達
比如:My computer crashed before I saved the file.
The system crashed several times during the testing.
在「當機」之後,重新開機或再次啟動系統是用 reboot [riˋbut] 這個動詞
例如:I had to reboot my computer after I installed the new version of the software.
這又叫 hard reboot 或 cold reboot
在正常情況下依操作系統程序重新開機則叫 warm reboot
crash 這個字還有許多其他意思
例如:The plane crashed into the ocean on its way to Cairo.
Her parents died in a car crash when she was five.
像是:I’m going to crash at a friend’s place tonight.
而只是用來睡覺過夜的地方則叫 crash pad
例如:The apartment is just a crash pad. He only spends the night there when he has to work past midnight.
聯合翻譯 引用自http://blogs.teachersammy.com/Blogs/entry/describing-computer-crash-in-English#.VOGNgvmUf5M