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Health officials should collect blood from workers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in case they are accidentally exposed to high levels of radiation and need a stem cell transplant, Japanese researchers said last week.

They said gathering blood from the workers would give them a ready source of their own stem cells that could help rebuild their bone marrow should they become exposed to high levels of radiation.

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Tourists are staying away from Egypt, two months after the start of a popular revolution that ousted long-time President Hosni Mubarak, dealing another blow to a nation already staggered by inefficiency, corruption and poverty.

Protesters compared Mubarak to the ancient Pharaohs. Their tombs, in time-worn and time-honored pyramids, rise majestically in Egypt's desert, beckoning to millions of tourists who used to admire them.

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Lady Gaga promises fans she will return to Taiwan

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Chinese visitor numbers double for first week of October

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最長的英文單字似乎是個爭論不休的問題。根據 The New Fowler’s Modern English Usage 一書,在最大的英語字典中,即《牛津英語大辭典》(Oxford English Dictionary, OED),最長的單字是 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis,由 45 個字母組成,意為一種由吸入矽塵所造成的肺病,其中 pneumo- 表示「肺」,ultra- 「超」,micro- 「微」,microscopic 「微觀」,silico- 表示「矽」,volcano 「火山」,coni- 「塵」,而 –osis 為表示疾病的字尾。這個字於 1936 年首次被 OED 收錄。


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根據法新社 (AFP) 8月14日的一篇報導,最新版(11版)的「錢伯斯辭典」(Chambers Dictionary)已增加數百個新字新詞。筆者看完這篇報導後發現,其中多個新字新詞早已被「網路翻譯家」所收錄,並附有中文解釋,包括 carbon footprint (碳足跡)、electrosmog (電子煙霧)、wardrobe malfunction (衣著穿梆)、comfort food (以古法烹調,旨在引發思古幽情及懷舊的食物)。此外,像 credit crunch (信用緊縮)、Blu-ray (藍光 — 最新的DVD技術。注意Blu的拼字,沒有e)、quantum computer (量子電腦 — 使用量子力學quantum mechanics的電腦)等新字新詞,亦成為該字典的新詞條(new entries)。以下就是法新社的報導:

Credit crunch, carbon footprint and electrosmog squeezed into Chambers dictionary Thursday, reflecting the world’s belt-tightening and ecologically-worried times, its editor said.

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A:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 和 Saturday 都必須大寫,而且除了在圖表和表格中有特殊需要可以縮寫成 Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat (後面皆無句點) 外,其餘情況都不縮寫。

至於月份,當它們與特定日期連用時必須縮寫成 Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. (後面須有句點 — 正規的英語中六月、七月不縮寫,九月的縮寫是 4 個字母,其他月份 3 個字母),如 We opened a second retreat center Feb. 11, 2010, after three months of planning. (經過三個月的規劃後,我們於 2010 年 2 月 11 日開了第二家休養中心)。

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Kate and Wills Break Tradition

Viewers of today’s royal wedding between Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton may have a feeling of déjà vu. As in previous weddings, the couple will travel to Westminster Abbey in London with a parade and horse-drawn carriages. The ceremony will be attended by heads of state and international royalty.

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Passenger sends train station NT$5,000 reimbursement
乘客補車資 車站收到五千元

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Chaos in Cairo

Over the past few weeks, thousands of people have been on the streets in Egypt . They have been holding some of the biggest demonstrations the country has seen in recent history. They were unhappy with their President, Hosni Mubarak, and wanted him to leave. Demonstrators in Cairo said they would not go home until the President resigned. They made beds, bathrooms and all the things necessary to live for a long time in a public square in the city centre.

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Danger – Unexploded Fruit!

It’s hot now in Taiwan and the summer weather means melons are everywhere: sliced melon, chilled melon, and, of course, ice-cold melon drinks. All these are absolutely delicious, and all completely normal. However, in eastern China’s Jiangsu Province, melons have been behaving in a totally abnormal way: they have been exploding! Some farmers have been using a growth hormone called forchlorfenuron. Since forchlorfenuron is a plant hormone, it’s not usually dangerous to humans and is used safely in a number of countries, including Australia. The exploding problem, however, seems to have multiple causes. The fruit growers applied the chemical to mature melons, not young ones. Then, there were heavy rains which plumped up the fruit. Finally, the type of melon the farmers had planted had much thinner skins than normal. The result was not a booming rural economy, but booming melons!

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Health officials should collect blood from workers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in case they are accidentally exposed to high levels of radiation and need a stem cell transplant, Japanese researchers said last week.

They said gathering blood from the workers would give them a ready source of their own stem cells that could help rebuild their bone marrow should they become exposed to high levels of radiation.

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研究人員發現,會說兩種以上語言,可防護大腦的認知能力衰退,增強同時處理多項事務的能力,而且似乎能延後罹患老年癡呆症 (Alzheimer’s)。雙語者大腦的某些主要功能衰退得較晚,即使是第二語言學得較晚也有幫助。 加拿大約克大學的艾倫.貝里斯托 (Ellen Bialystock) 18日在美國科學促進協會 (American Association for the Advancement of Science) 的年會上指出,與只會說一種語言的人相比,會說兩種以上語言的人罹患癡呆症的時間會晚4.3年,而開始出現癡呆症狀則晚5.1年。 貝里斯托說:「雙語者患癡呆症較晚的原因之一,是雙語能保持大腦活躍,即使只會說一點都管用。說雙語的時間越久,語言就越流利,這些都是有利因素。即使是到40、50甚至60歲才開始學另一種語言,儘管已不可能兩種語言都說得很流利,但也能活躍大腦,有益於大腦的認知儲備。」 哥倫比亞大學神經學專家史坦說,認知儲備 (cognitive reserve) 是動用腦內不同網絡,從而優化大腦功能。 研究報告說:「掌握雙語對認知有很高的要求,從而有益於認知儲備,在很大程度上與刺激智力和社會活動的其他方式類似。」 馬里蘭大學語言學教授艾米.魏柏格說,其他研究顯示,雙語者比只說一種語言的人更能避免外界干擾,以便集中精力關注重要事情,增強同時處理更多事情的能力。 她說:「第二語言熟練到一定程度,肯定會使人成為可同時處理多種事務的專家。說話時,你會說的所有語言都開始運用,因此必須激活大腦的一種機制,使你在說一種語言時,限制另一種語言的干擾。」(2011/02/19 法新社/世界日報)

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交通部去年九月初在 Facebook 臉書舉辦「雙語標示糾察隊」活動,號召全民揪出風景區和交通場站「菜英文」,人蔘太難翻,國道新營服務區索性中英文夾雜翻成「person蔘」,發酵飲料「好菌多多」被譯成「Good fungus very much」,離譜英譯令人噴飯,台灣拚觀光的同時,得先拚雙語標示。 去年來台觀光客創下逾五百萬人次的歷史新紀錄,成績亮麗,但不少交通設施和風景區的中英文標示卻讓人啼笑皆非,外籍觀光客「看攏謀」。 檸檬愛玉 (Lemon Aiyu Jelly) 明明是吃的,有風景區卻直接從字面譯成「檸檬愛上玉」(Lemon loves the jade);連國中生都學過的基本單字車票 (ticket),台鐵也翻錯成「tickot」。 也是學生基本單字的露營(camping)被錯用成「champing」,離譜英譯不只這些,像肉包 (steamed pork buns) 被翻成「fresh meat package」;還有單位把排泄物翻成「shit」,不能說錯但不雅,一時間會被誤以為是在飆髒話。 台北車站小便斗前貼心提醒「向前一步靠,廁所芬芳好」的標示英文被直譯成「One step closer,and the place smells good」;「刷卡請先聲明」變成「先公告」(Please notice when using credit card),正確英譯應是「Please advice in advance when using credit card」。 由於錯誤標示多如牛毛,交通部去年底號召全民糾察隊進行「錯誤標示大募集」,活動上月底結束,熱心民眾「找碴」揪出一百四十件,其中標示錯誤有一○八件,另四十六件非交通部主管單位。 交通部昨天在成果記者會中宣稱,所有錯誤或不妥英譯都已在糾舉後三天內改善,全民糾察隊活動雖結束,但會要求相關單位持續自我檢視,讓台灣拚觀光不再「菜英文」。 昨交通部並送出 iPod nano、隨身聽等獎品給糾察績效最高的民眾,但得獎者昨均未現身。 台鐵通勤族張光華表示,攸關安全或民眾權益的標示確實需要正確的中英文標示。政治大學英國語言學系教授陳超明說,台灣要國際化,各項標示的翻譯須特別注意文化生活習慣的落差。(2011/02/17 綜合中國時報、蘋果日報報導)

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Biggest Mafia Crackdown in History

FBI* officers have arrested 127 people across the north-east US in one day. They are all believed to be members of the mafia, the well-known crime organisation. It is the largest ever crackdown on organised crime in a single day. The FBI say leaders of the five biggest mafia families in New York have all been arrested. They are involved in gambling, extortion and other illegal activities.

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Astronomers over the Moon about New Planet

Imagine a planet with a year that lasts a single day and a temperature much higher than on Earth. It may not sound much like home, but For NASA astronomers, this is as good as it gets.

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