目前分類:語言學習一點通 (2013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


 6. Indiana connected on 21 of its first 29 from the field in opening a 45-28 lead with 7:34 left in the first half.

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1. Jordan made his much-anticipated return before a sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden.

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1. The kicker will punt at fourth down.

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1. We're playing offense first today. 

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1. The rain is coming down.


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豆花 tofu pudding
愛玉 vegetarian gelatin
麻花 hemp flower
糖葫蘆 tomatoes on stick
芝麻球 glutinous rice sesame ball
雙胞胎 horse hooves
杏仁豆腐 almond tofu


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資料來源: http://englishhome.org/glossary/chinese-food.htm

魚丸湯 fish ball soup
貢丸湯 meat ball soup
餛飩湯 wonton soup
蛋花湯 egg & vegetable  soup
蛤蜊湯 clam soup
蚵仔湯 oyster soup
紫菜湯 purple seaweed soup
海鮮湯 seafood soup
酸辣湯 hot & sour  soup
豬腸湯 pork intestine soup
豬肝湯 pork liver soup
豬血湯 pork blood soup
麻油雞湯 sesame chicken soup
排骨酥湯 spareribs soup
肉羹 pork thick soup
花枝羹 squid thick soup

資料來源: http://englishhome.org/glossary/chinese-food.htm

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陽春麵 plain noodles
湯麵 noodles in soup
炒麵 fried noodles
米粉 rice noodles
冬粉 mung bean noodles 
粄條 flat noodles
麵線 (細麵) thin noodles
牛肉麵 beef noodles
榨菜肉絲麵 pickled mustard root, pork noodles
麻醬麵 sesame paste noodles
刀削麵 sliced noodles
鴨肉麵 duck noodles
鵝肉麵 goose noodles
鱔魚麵 eel noodles
炸醬麵 soybean paste noodles
餛飩麵 wonton noodles
海鮮麵 seafood noodles
排骨麵 spareribs noodles
涼 (拌) 麵 cold noodles with sauce
花枝麵 squid noodles
什錦炒麵 fried noodles with chop suey
蚵仔麵線 oyster thin noodles
炒米粉 fried rice noodles


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燒餅 clay oven rolls
油條 fried bread stick
韭菜盒 fried leek dumplings
蒸餃 steamed dumplings
饅頭 steamed buns
割包 steamed sandwich
飯糰 rice and vegetable roll
蛋餅 egg cakes
豆漿 soybean milk
鹹豆漿 salted soybean milk
米漿 rice & peanut milk
肉包 pork bun
花捲 steamed bread roll
銀絲捲 silk-thread roll


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有個英文謎語,類似腦筋急轉彎的問題:What's the difference between here and there?

答案是:A little “t”。(there比here多了一個t)

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很多片語你單看其中一個字都不會有問題,可是湊在一起時,你就怎麼猜也猜不到了。像是cash cow、loss leader、generic product等,你猜得到它們是什麼意思嗎?這些詞在一般商業雜誌上出現的機率很高,更是商業人士之間經常流通的語言。你不但要弄懂,而且還要能夠運用自如。

1、make a debut 初試啼聲、首次出現、新品問市 (注意debut的發音是[dɪˋbju])

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A:在 All that/what you have to do is to change your attitude. (你只要改變態度就好了) 這句中,All 的後面只能用 that,不可用 what,因為 what 不能用作名詞或代名詞之後的關係代名詞。

此外,在這句中,由於 that 是當受詞,因此可以省略,使句子變成 All you have to do is to change your attitude.。然而,若關代在關係子句中是當主詞,那麼就不能省略了。請看下面的例句:

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A:以前若是不知某人的性別,我們都使用 he 來指涉,如 If I find the person who has stolen my iPad, I’ll wring his neck! (如果讓我找到那個偷我 iPad 的人,我會扭斷他的脖子!)。但這樣的用法現在往往被視為性別歧視。現今可能的作法之一是使用 "he or she" (這是主格,其受格為 him or her,而所有格為 his or her;但它們也可以且往往寫成 he/she, him/her, his/her) 或 "(s)he",但這看起來或聽起來都怪怪的。例如:

  • A baby cries when he or she is tired. (嬰兒累了就會哭)
  • If a student is absent because of illness, (s)he should call in sick. (如果學生因病缺席,他或她應打電話請病假)
  • If in doubt, ask your teacher. He/she can give you more information. (如果拿不定主意,可以問你的老師。他或她可以給你更多資訊)

這些寫法迄今仍不時用於正式寫作或書面文件中,但目前一般比較喜歡的作法是使用 they (them 或 their),尤其是在非正式談話中,即使所指涉的是單數名詞亦然。例如:

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「交通擁擠」busy / congested / heavy(crowded是錯的)traffic

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