聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/4195610
文/Chris G
BP oil spill worse than thought
BP has conceded that the extent of an oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico may be much worse than originally thought.
The oil giant was responding to a warning from US officials that the amount of crude leaking from the sunken Deepwater Horizon rig could be five times greater than early estimates.
“I would say the range is 1,000 to 5,000 barrels a day,” Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production, said.
「我估計大約是每天1到5千桶」。BP勘探與生產部門營運長Doug Suttles說。
His remarks followed the discovery of a third leak at the site of last week’s explosion, which led the US Government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to increase its estimate of the amount of oil spilled into the ocean to 5,000 barrels of oil a day.
他說的數據是在發現爆炸地點有第3個裂縫後所估算的,也因此讓美國國家海洋和 大氣管理局對每天外漏的石油估計增加到一天5千桶。
BP had played down the higher figure initially, insisting that the discovery of the new leak did not change its original estimate.
BP 原本還故意縮小一開始的數字,堅持說新發現的漏洞不會改變原本的估計。
“We are attacking this spill on all fronts, bringing into play all and any resources and advanced technologies we believe can help,” Tony Hayward, the BP chief executive, said.
With no obvious way of shutting off the leak soon, though, the scale of the challenge remains daunting.
BP的首長Tony Hayward說:「對於這個油污我們四面出擊,把所有任何我們相信能帶來幫助的科技和支援都用上。」不過,對於根本沒有任何快速又肯定的方法來停止漏油,這個任務的難度還是很嚇人的。
Politicians and Gulf residents slammed BP on over its efforts to end the spew of oil into the Gulf of Mexico andmake whole those who have been hurt.
"BP misrepresented what their technology could do," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. "They misrepresented the amount of oil that was being spewed forth into the Gulf and continued to do so."
「BP扭曲他們的科技能做到的程度,也虛偽的陳述了墨西哥灣噴湧出來的石油數量,而且到現在還是。」眾議院議長Helen Pelosi說。
"Until you see it first-hand, until you really smell it, get a sense of it, you can't understand it fully," said Sen. David Vitter, R-Louisiana.
「在你還沒親眼看到、親自聞到、對它有某種概念,你是無法完全瞭解它、體會它的。」路易斯安那州議員David Vitter說。
Oil Slick-
Play down-
注意: 也可以用“downplay”(動詞),意思相同,也是一個常用到的字。雖然只是一個字,不過不要把它當成單純的「低估、減低」而已,它通常用來描述一件重要或嚴重的東西被減低或刻意低估了。
例:The latest report on the economy shows the economy is not getting better, but the government downplays the numbers. 最新的報告指出景氣沒有好轉,不過政府減化(報告裡)數字的嚴重性。
Scale of the challenge-
例1:The newly-elected president promised the American people the economy will recover. However, we all knowthe scale of the challenge. 新當選的總統給美國人民承諾景氣會好回來的。但是,大家都知道這個承諾的難度有多高。
例2:NASA will design a new spaceship to travel to Jupiter. The scale of the challenge is unbelievable! It requires very advanced and complicated technology. NASA將設計一台新的太空船前往木星。這個案子的難度高到驚人,因為它必須用到非常先進且複雜的科技。
Make whole-
例1:After the party at my house last night, my living room is a mess. I need to make whole my living room. (X)
“make whole” 不能用在像客廳這樣具體的東西上。
例2: I really broke his heart. I want to make whole the suffering I have caused him. (O)
The Spill vs The Leak
聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/4195610