聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/4176010
2010年足球世界杯6月11日在南非約翰內斯堡開打,來自全球的32個球隊是全世界注目焦點。世足的英文全名為“2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa”,FIFA是“世界足球聯合會”法文名稱的縮寫,在美國「足球」叫做soccer,football則是「橄欖球」。談世足,人們還是津津樂道球王比利(Pele, king of football)在1958年足球場上的精湛演出;1986年馬拉度納(Maradona)連過六人的世紀進球("The Goal of the Century".)讓全世界的球迷記憶猶新,這次馬拉度納首次以教練的身份參加世界杯,究竟比利和馬拉多納究竟誰比較偉大,人們還為此爭議不休。
A: The opening match of 2010 World Cup will take place between the host, South Africa, and Mexico, one of the strongest teams in the Americas. Which team do you root for? 2010年世界杯的開幕戰是地主南非隊對美洲的勁敵墨西哥隊,你支持哪支球隊?(注意:match這個字當比賽是老外常用,老中比較不會用的字)
B: Neither, I am a big fan of Argentina. What is your favorite team? 兩隊,我是阿根廷隊的忠實球迷,你呢?
A: My favorite team is the Netherlands. However, I am Korean, which means I definitely root for the Korean national team. 我最喜歡的是荷蘭隊。不過我是韓國人,所以我當然也要支持韓國隊。(注意:支持用root for。)
B: OK. I am curious to know if those two teams have ever played against each other during the World Cup. 哦,不過不知道這兩支隊有沒有在世界杯上交戰過。(注意:在球場上交手用play against)
A: Yes, I remember in the 1998 World Cup hosted by France, Holland beat Korea 5-0 in the first round. After that, the Koreans hired a Dutch head coach hoping that Korean players could get some "Dutch influence" from him. 有的,1998年法國世界杯小組賽上荷蘭隊曾5:0大勝韓國隊。後來,韓國人請了一位荷蘭人做國家隊主教練,希望他們的球員接受一些荷蘭足球的影響。(注意:以5:0比數擊敗韓國,用beat Korea 5:0)
B: I think I know this Dutch guy's name. Is he Hiddink? 我想我知道那個荷蘭人是誰了,是不是叫Hiddink?
A: Yes, he led Korea into the semifinals in 2002 World Cup, and then became a Korean national hero. 沒錯。因為他在2002年世界杯上帶領韓國隊打進了半決賽,於是便成了韓國的民族英雄。
1. root for a team
2. a big fan of a team
3. one's favorite team is
4.除此之外也還有support a team/ show one's support for a team/ in favor of a team
Root for這個片語,是為某人打氣,捧場的意思。
"The whole town is rooting for the local high school football team,"
"I always root for the underdog,"
Today's game was pretty lousy. 今天這場比賽看得夠悶。
Which teams are playing? 什麼隊的比賽?(一定是兩隊比,所以team用複數)
How was the game last night? 昨晚的比賽怎麼樣?
I thought the score would be at least 2:1, but it ended in a draw.
Germany won and will be going on to the second round. 德國隊贏了,晉級十六強。
Australia's not as good as Germany, huh? 跟德國隊比,澳洲隊是弱了點兒,是嗎?
The next game is Brazil vs. England and it should be really good.
end in a draw 是打成平手的意思。有時候也用result in a draw。
聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/4176010