只要你腦袋曾經閃過一個念頭:「我的英文不好,是因為思考模式是中文邏輯。」那你應該要好好讀這次的──英語思維造句法。先看看中文思維和英文思維造出的英文句子有什麼不同 。
1. 對不起,沒座了。
中文思維: Sorry, we have no seats now.
英文造句: Sorry, no seats available.
2. 那本書一到就通知你。
中文思維:We will inform you when the book arrives.
英文造句:You will be informed when the book becomes available.
3. 在這個價格範圍內,有好幾種汽車可供選購。
中文思維:We have several types of car under the price.
英文造句:Several cars are available within this price range.
4. 批准該計畫前先要有可用的資金.
中文思維:Before we approve the plan, we need to get some funds.
英文造句:Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available
5. 網站暫時關閉。
中文思維: This website can't be visited temporarily.
英文造句: Website Temporarily Unavailable.