1. nail down 敲定
字面上看,nail down意思是"釘下去"或者"釘牢"。如果把什麼東西往下釘在地板上的話,那它的位置就固定不變,成了定局,可以引申為"敲定",例如:
I have good news: I nailed down a contract to sell a thousand vacuum cleaners. The customer signed all the papers and I've already faxed them back to you.有個好消息,我敲定了一個出售一千個吸塵器的合約。顧客簽了所有的文件,我已經把文件用傳真發回給你了。
2. as hard as nails 難相處
As hard as nails字面意思是"像釘子一樣硬"。如果一個人像釘子一樣硬的話,那人想必既頑固強硬又無情無義,是個很難相處的人。例如:
They offered me a good job at that company but I hear that the boss is as hard as nails: one little mistake and you're out on the street the next day looking for a new job.他們給我一個很好的職位,但是我聽說那家公司老闆是個很難相處的人:只要你犯一個小錯,他馬上把你踢出公司,讓你另謀生路。
3. hit the nail on the head 一針見血
木工敲釘子得正敲在它扁平的頂上,才能釘得恰到好處。所以hit the nail on the head用來表示"說話行事恰到好處、正中要害或者十分中肯"。例如:
Your analysis really hit the nail on the head.你的分析確實一針見血。