


The Jaeger pilots are deemed "riders," and when they move in their suits to put their robots in motion, "we made it a point to put in the sound of spurs, like a cowboy would have," del Toro said. The director likens the face-offs between Jaegers and Kaiju to a pair of gunfighters in a duel — although the monsters have more than just six-shooters. One of them shoots lava out of its mouth.

While it's sometimes hard to choose "because they are like my children," del Toro's favorite Kaiju is a massive, muscular, brawling battering ram of a creature he lovingly refers to as Leatherback. "I find him very, very endearing. He has a big belly, so I identify with him," del Toro said with a laugh. "There's no doubt he's my main man."

It is no accident that del Toro has become the most famous monster film director in the world. Growing up, del Toro said he "was blessed or cursed with" lucid dreams. "I would go to sleep and wake up in my room and see monsters," he said. Unlike many of the rest of us, however, he prefers to believe that they were real rather than something from his imagination.

At that time, del Toro even made a habit of designing his own monsters, right down to their hearts, lungs and stomachs. Now he's a filmmaker, but not much has changed. Indeed, his fascination with monsters led to his current success, as del Toro is blessing, or cursing, the rest of us with the creatures from his nightmares. "All of that stuff I did when I was young came in pretty handy 40 years later in making this movie," del Toro concluded.




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