4-Q:too much of a good thing
We have seen too much defeatism, too much pessimism, too much of a negative approach. (我們看到了太多的失敗主義、太多的悲觀主義和太多的負面傾向) - 在這句中,too much of a negative approach 可用 too many negative approaches 來代替,但這樣一來就無法與前面兩個 too much 呼應,起加強語氣的作用。
這句是美國已故著名舞台劇導演兼製作人瑪格•瓊斯 (Margo Jones) 所說的話。
Taiwan doesn’t have too much of a downturn. (台灣目前並無太多經濟衰退的趨勢) - Downturn 通常用單數,在此不宜以 too many downturns 來表示。
I knew that I’d finished the paper in too much of a rush, and that the final paragraph was probably shady. (我知道這篇報告是我過於倉促趕出來的,最後一段可能有問題) - Rush 在片語 in a rush 中慣用單數,在此不能用 too many rushes。
Sandy got fired from that big company because they thought he was too much of a freewheeler. (桑迪被那家大公司開除了,因為他們認為他過於自作主張) - Sandy 是一個人,對應單數的 a freewheeler,若用 too many freewheelers,文法就錯了。