看看幾個很容易搞混的字詞,在Urban Dictionary裡的解釋和用法:
1、bank holiday
Bank holiday是「國定假日」,不是「銀行假期」。這是英國人用來形容連續假期。連銀行都休假了,這些懶骨頭上班族何必上班。(Noun to describe a series of vacation days in the old country. The banks are on holiday... so why should the rest of the lazy slobs go to work? Is it any wonder that the empire was lost.)
例句:The offices will be closed for the Bank holiday.
2、zombie company
幫殭屍服務的公司?!用字面意思去翻譯,當然怪怪的。所謂zombie company,是指那些早該 倒閉,但卻一直得到政府資助的公司。
例句:AIG is the premier example of a zombie company -- kept alive only by $120 billion in federal bailout money. Apparently, it's considered too large to fail.
聯合翻譯資料來源: http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/blog/article.php?id=672