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2014-04-27 面試完、簡報後》千萬別說 "That's all" (50) (0)
2014-04-27 十個人有八個會說錯:「睡過頭」英文怎麼說? (171) (0)
2014-04-27 會嚇跑人才的10句英文 (1369) (0)
2014-04-27 低頭族必學!19個英文縮寫,傳line訊息更方便 (514) (0)
2014-04-27 要跟老外說在「分公司」上班,英文怎麼講? (3165) (0)
2014-04-27 喜歡自拍的人,一定要把這個字學起來! (46) (0)
2014-04-27 萬一被飆髒話,該用哪句英文回應? (301) (0)
2014-04-27 這個單字,讓日本跳腳、美國插手、韓國有意見 (18) (0)
2014-04-27 林書豪教你:什麼情況which前面要加 in、on、at (384) (0)
2014-04-27 「走路就能到的距離」歐巴馬教你英文怎麼說 (39) (0)
2014-04-27 學會這3句,你也能用英文介紹曼德拉傳奇生平 (20) (0)
2014-04-27 低頭族必備!這4個App讓你多益考高分 (26) (0)
2014-04-27 國道計程收費上路,英文怎麼說? (89) (0)
2014-04-27 轉職面試,千萬別說的3種地雷英文 (2405) (0)
2014-04-27 美國急凍!「極地渦漩」教你4個多益必考單字 (47) (0)
2014-04-27 辦公室最常「聽見」的8個錯誤英文 (372) (0)
2014-04-27 法國總統教你,看到affair別只想到婚外情 (26) (0)
2014-04-27 看懂YouBike租借英文3步驟 約外國友人一起騎 (2346) (0)
2014-04-27 出國想在餐廳點水喝,氣泡、蒸餾、礦泉水英文怎麼說? (3849) (0)
2014-04-27 講英文卡住怎麼辦?學會這5句保證救援成功 (128) (0)
2014-04-27 同樣都是錢,停車費、租金、機票錢英文怎麼說? (761) (0)
2014-04-27 "know a thing or two" 到底是知道很多還是很少 (177) (0)
2014-04-27 戳破職場假面人 英文這樣說 (44) (0)
2014-04-26 War shrine shows limit in US support to Japan 參拜神社彰顯美國對日本的支持有其限度 (7) (0)
2014-04-26 Norwegian boy takes parents’ car to visit grandparents, claims he’s a dwarf 挪威男童開父母的車去找祖父母,自稱侏儒 (13) (0)
2014-04-26 Nose can detect one trillion odours 鼻子可偵測1兆種氣味 (3) (0)
2014-04-26 Endangered tiger cub triplets born in London 瀕危老虎三胞胎在倫敦出生 (7) (0)
2014-04-26 Flying drone inspired by swimming jellyfish 無人機從游動水母獲得啟發 (8) (0)
2014-04-26 World’s hottest gynecologist has the women queuing up 世界最性感的婦科醫師吸引婦女排隊上門 (2) (0)
2014-04-26 Rights groups query wisdom of Hamlet tour in N. Korea 人權組織質疑到北韓演出哈姆雷特是否明智 (5) (0)
2014-04-24 Paper Windmill troupe plans to give free performances in all 7,000 villages in Taiwan 卡車藝術 (21) (0)
2014-04-24 Finance minister meets Taipei deputy mayor to discuss housing prices 金鶚見財長 (7) (0)
2014-04-24 Taoyuan County residents come to grips with nuclear waste stored in their backyard 核研所曝光 (31) (0)
2014-04-24 Taipei mayoral candidates weigh in on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant 參選人核四 (8) (0)
2014-04-24 Ministry, NGO work to encourage book exchanges at airports and train stations 交部漂書 (8) (0)
2014-04-24 Government approves new direct train route from Taipei to Yilan 北宜直鐵定 (12) (0)
2014-04-24 Philippine court orders arrest of eight Coast Guard officers over death of Taiwanese fisherman 廣大興拘捕 (1) (0)
2014-04-24 Experts warn a drop in housing prices would hurt the economy 打房傷經濟 (1) (0)
2014-04-24 Government passes bill that would raise taxes on housing speculators 財委房屋稅 (2) (0)
2014-04-24 Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung enters second day of hunger strike 林義雄二日 (2) (0)
2014-04-20 「不送了」英文怎麼說? (2271) (0)
2014-04-20 多益高分「密碼」,就藏在微軟公開信中 (33) (0)
2014-04-20 政府官員的英文,該用official還是officer? (1099) (0)
2014-04-20 10個必考單字,認識台灣「最佳亞洲女主廚」 (13) (0)
2014-04-20 生活想展開新的一頁?必學4句勵志英文 (5848) (0)
2014-04-20 看懂一年一度奧斯卡獎,5個一定要會的單字 (49) (0)
2014-04-20 不知道就落伍了!5個必學網路流行語 (15) (0)
2014-04-20 和老外聊奧斯卡,一句話學會《地心引力》關鍵單字 (28) (0)
2014-04-20 海外出差,這4句常見英文別說錯! (2870) (0)
2014-04-20 除了烏克蘭危機,在職場也通用的關鍵英文單字 (5) (0)