1. Life in the fast lane 競爭激烈、忙碌而快節奏的生活方式。
生活每天都像在高速公路上開車一樣,是不是很忙?life in the fast line就是比喻"快節奏的,競爭激烈的、馬不停蹄的生活"。
例句:Tom is a hotel manager. He works 60 hours a week, but he's always flying to Hong Kong, Tokyo or New York and enjoys life in the fast lane.
2. Go nowhere fast 毫無進展
Go nowhere意思是"哪兒都不去"。而fast這個詞的意思是"快"。Go nowhere fast是很努力做一件事,卻毫無進展。哪裡都快不了。
例句:I've been working on this problem all evening and I'm going nowhere fast! Could you help me out? 我整晚上都在絞盡腦汁地解決這問題,卻毫無進展,你幫幫我好嗎?
3. To play fast and loose 不負責任、靠不住
Loose本來的意思是鬆散,引申為:輕率的,不在意的。要是說一個人play fast and loose,那這個人就是不負責任的,靠不住的。To play fast and loose常用來形容人對感情的態度。比如說,談戀愛的一方對對方並不十分真誠,而只是想利用對方,就可以說是to play fast and loose。
例句:This reporter is known for playing fast and loose with the facts. 這名記者是出了名的罔顧事實。
4. Hard and fast 嚴格的規矩、規則
例句:In our office building there is a hard and fast rule against smoking. 我們辦公室嚴禁吸煙。