1. You can count on me. 我辦事,你放心。
2. Leave it up to me! 這事就交給我吧。
3. Just listen to me, and you’ll be fine. 聽我的準沒錯。
4. I’ll back you up. 我支持你!
5. Please feel assured that we will keep our promise. 請放心我們一定遵守諾言。
6. Don't worry. I will do my best to help you. 別擔心,我會全力以赴幫你的。
7. I will never leave you alone. 我絕不會丟下你一個人不管的。
8. I am the only one that can help you out. 我是唯一能幫你走出困境的人。
9. You can come to me whenever you are in need of help. 任何時候需要幫助都可以來找我。
10. I will always be there for you. 我會一直在你身邊。