out on the street 一個人沒有工作,難以維持生活
經濟不景氣,失業人口增加,一個人沒有工作,生活無以為繼,就叫做Out on the street。
例句:I really wish I could find a way to help my brother Joe. He lost his job over a year ago when the company he worked for went under and he's been out on the street ever since. 我真希望能想個辦法來幫幫弟弟Joe的忙。一年多前,他所在公司倒了,他也就失了業。自那時起,他一直沒有工作,生活得很艱苦。
I work very hard to provide you with a good education. I don't expect you to be a billionaire, but it's up to you whether you want to live on easy street or to be out on the street in the future. 我辛苦工作就是了讓你受到良好的教育。我不指望你成一個億萬富翁,將來的生活是苦還是甜,全都要靠你自己了。
Easy street剛好是out of street的相反,生活優沃充裕的意思。