wearing two hats
[字面意思] "戴兩頂帽子?"
[解釋]當有人跟你介紹說某個能人"wearing two hats", 那其實說他身兼兩職。
例句:They are so shorthanded in the office that the manager has to wear two hats. 公司缺少人手,經理只好身兼兩職。
chew the fat
[字面意思]chew是咀嚼的意思,fat一般是指脂肪,那chew the fat不就是吃肉了?
[解釋]chew the fat是指"正式的閒談"。我們來看個例子:
例句:We sat there drinking beer and chewing the fat until it was time to go home.我們坐在那兒喝酒聊天,一直到該回家的時候。
With a grain of salt
[字面意思] "再加一點鹽"
[解釋] 半信半疑;對...持保留態度。據說在西元前一世紀,有個君王(the King of Pontus, Mithridates VI)總是懷疑他的臣子會在他的膳食中下毒,所以他常把一撮鹽(a grain of salt)和入毒藥吞入腹,藉此練就一身百毒不侵的絕技以自保。
例句:You must take his statements with a grain of salt. He often exaggerates. 你對他的言論不能盡信,他總會誇大其辭。
Small beer
[字面意思] "小啤酒"
[解釋]小格局。啤酒還分大小?在英國small beer指的是口味比較淡啤酒,但是在美語中則是"少量啤酒"的意思。比如說夏天有客人來訪,問他Anything to drink?客人就可能回答說:"I'll have a small beer(給我一點啤酒。)"比喻用法中說的small beer,指規模或者格局不大的事物。和small potatoes差不多。
例句: Don't listen to Henry; he's small beer. 別聽Henry的,他不夠份量。