講英文最怕直接翻譯,生生澀澀的,像菜沒煮熟;要「煮熟」你的英文,最好的方法就是:找出那些依賴翻譯就講不出的句型、字或詞,這類的句子,大部份都不難,差在「沒想到」,沒想到的這些死角,我們稱之為"Blind Corner"。今天來看第51~60個例句:
51. 大家開始討論政治時,我感格格不入。
I feel completely out of my depth when people start talking about politics. (格格不入)
52. 新版何時上市?
When is the new edition coming out? (上市)
53. Linda感到渾身不自在。
Linda feels like a fish out of water. (渾身不自在)
54. 犯錯在所難免。你怎麼回應所犯的錯誤才重要。
Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.
55. 計劃尚未通過。
The project is still up in the air.
56. 想省錢的旅行者會傾向露營。
Travelers on a budget might prefer to camp. (省錢的)
57. 布希總統為支持增兵伊拉克發言。
President George W. Bush spoke in favor of the proposal of raising military in Iraq. (支持)
58. 這位主席在這個組織裡掌權多久了?
How long has the chairman been at the helm in the organization? (掌權)
59. 政府提升了市場百分之五的利潤。
The government hiked up interest rates by 5% in this market. (提升)
60. 請繼續談話,我不是故意打擾的。
Please, carry on talking. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.