講英文最怕直接翻譯,生生澀澀的,像菜沒煮熟;要「煮熟」你的英文,最好的方法就是:找出那些依賴翻譯就講不出的句型、字或詞,這類的句子,大部份都不難,差在「沒想到」,沒想到的這些死角,我們稱之為"Blind Corner"。今天來看第71~80個例句:
71. 那很難決定。
That’s a tough call. (很難下決定)
72. 我一直聽成相反的意思。
I always heard it the other way around. (正好相反)
73. 有些人學語言易如反掌。
Language comes easily to some people. (易如反掌)
76. 為了更好的利潤,他們換了新產品。
They switched to a new product for reasons of better profits. (為了)
77. 儘管手受傷了,他還是到辦公室開會。
In spite of his broken arm, he managed to come into the office for the meeting.
78. 我們的生產量比5年前多10倍。
We produce 10 times as much as we did 5 year ago.
79. 那是我最不期望你做的事情。
That's the last thing I'd expect you to do.
80. 讀書對心靈有益。
Reading does good to our mind.