91. 我們公司幫助新企業取得初步的成功。
Our firm helps new businesses get off the ground. (獲初步進展或成功)
92. Michael 把擁有較好生活的希望寄託在找到新工作上。
Michael pinned his hopes for a better life on finding a new job. (把希望寄託在)
93. 這要花我多少錢? 大約兩百元台幣。
How much will this set me back? About NT$200. (花費)
94. 我們必須提前結束談話。
We have to cut short the conversation.
95. 我們剛完成針對將來產品對消費及販售雙方的調查。
We’ve just carried out a survey of both consumers and retailers regarding our future products. (完成調查)
96. 考慮到我們想呈現的意象,我已請文案準備一份給網路及電腦雜誌的稿子。
Taking into account the image we want to project, I’ve asked the copywriters to prepare copy for the Internet and for computer magazines. (列入考慮)
97. You pay the advance, and the balance is paid off over. (清償)
98. 喔,我懂了。我們就照那樣做吧。
Oh, I see. Let’s run with that.
99. 我相信你的組裝指示完全正確。
I am sure your packing instructions were followed to the letter. (完全按照指示,一字不差)
100. 她的分析能力很強,但執行時卻優柔寡斷。
She is strong on analysis but weak on taking action.