Eurozone leaders in push for fiscal crackdown amid debt fight
The leaders of Germany, France and Italy, the eurozone’s three biggest powers, made tougher fiscal governance a top priority in their battle to stem the sovereign debt crisis but offered no immediate concessions to calls for intervention by the European Central Bank.
Their emphasis on structural change to stabilise economic performance left markets unimpressed. The euro fell from $1.338 against the dollar at the start of the leaders’ press conference to a low of $1.332, while stock markets across Europe gave up earlier gains.
German chancellor Angela Merkel and Mario Monti, the new Italian prime minister, spoke of creating a “fiscal union” to drive economic integration and enforce budgetary discipline. Ms Merkel made clear that she wanted ambitious steps enshrined in treaty before contemplating the issuance of commonly backed eurobonds, any early discussion of which she has dismissed as “inappropriate” in a crisis.
德國總理安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel)和意大利新任總理馬里奧•蒙蒂(Mario Monti)談到了創建“財政聯盟”,以促進經濟一體化和加強財政紀律。默克爾明確表示,只有在相關條約納入雄心勃勃的步驟後,她才會考慮發行共同擔保的歐元債券。她認為在危機期間過早討論此事是“不妥的”。
When we take a first step towards fiscal union, for example by reinforcing the Stability and Growth Pact via automatic sanctions, it will be a step forwards but it won’t be grounds for me to change the opinion I expressed yesterday.”
Sally Wang: President Nicolas Sarkozy of France said he and Ms Merkel would shortly propose changes to European Union treaties to improve economic governance and deepen integration among the 17 eurozone members – although he did not use the phrase fiscal union. The treaty changes will be discussed at an EU summit on December 9.
法國總統尼古拉•薩科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)表示,他和默克爾不久將提出有關修訂歐盟條約的意見,以改善經濟治理和加深歐元區17個成員國的融合。但他沒有用到“財政聯盟”這一詞語。條約修訂意見將於12月9日由歐盟峰會討論。
The three leaders steered around calls, strongly resisted by Germany, for the European Central Bank to intervene decisively on international bond markets to relieve the pressure building on countries such as Italy and France and even beginning to touch Germany, which had difficulty completing a bond auction on Wednesday.
In a further sign of Germany losing some of its safe haven lustre, the UK’s cost of borrowing benchmark 10-year debt fell below that of Germany on Thursday for the first time since March 2009.