Man Group, the world’s second- largest hedge fund manager, is positioning itself for an expansion into mainland China as part of a drive beyond its base in Europe and the Middle East. |
全球第二大對沖基金管理公司英仕曼集團(Man Group)正為擴張進入中國內地而調整自身定位,這是該集團在歐洲及中東等傳統地盤以外拓展的努力的一部分。 |
The FTSE 100 listed group, which has suffered over the past quarter from a painful fall in assets under management, due in large part to the eurozone crisis, has hired Yifei Li, one of China’s leading businesswomen, as its “China chair” to oversee the push. |
作為英國富時100指數(FTSE 100)的成份股公司,英仕曼集團集團旗下管理的資產在過去一個季度遭受了痛苦的縮水,這在很大程度上可歸因於歐元區債務危機。該集團已聘請中國最成功的女性經營者之一李亦非為“中國區主席”,領導向中國擴張的努力。 |
Ms Yifei is the former head of MTV in China and the chief representative in the country of its parent company, Viacom. |
李亦非原任MTV大中華區董事總經理,並且是MTV母公司維亞康姆(Viacom)在中國的首席代表。 |
Ms Yifei will work with Pierre Lagrange, co-founder of Man-owned GLG Partners, who was made Asia chairman, a new position, by the company last month. |
李亦非將與英仕曼集團旗下GLG Partners的創始人之一羅然志(Pierre LaGrange)合作,後者上月被公司任命為亞洲區主席,這是一個新設立的職位。 |
Mr Lagrange has been joined by David Mercurio, a former senior portfolio manager at Singapore’s Government Investment Corporation, the $100bn sovereign wealth fund, who is Man’s new head of Asia Equity. |
與羅然志共事的還有新任英仕曼集團亞洲股票投資主管的戴維•莫庫利奧(David Mercurio),他曾擔任新加坡1000億美元的主權財富基金——政府投資公司(Government Investment Corporation)的高級組合投資經理。 |
“We take the view that China is going to be a very big part of growth for the world. It is a perfect time to expand there,” Mr Lagrange told the Financial Times. |
“我們的看法是,中國將在全球經濟增長中扮演一個很重要的角色。現在是擴張進入中國的完美時機,”羅然志對英國《金融時報》表示。 |
The company has a “5-10 year” strategic view, said Mr Lagrange, but sources familiar with Man’s plans say it hopes to open a fully-fledged research and trading office in Beijing in the near future. |
羅然志說,該公司抱著“5至10年”的戰略眼光,但是,據熟悉英仕曼集團計劃的消息人士稱,該公司希望在不遠的將來在北京設立一個規模完整的研究及交易辦公室。 |
However, the company must first be granted licences by Chinese authorities. |
不過,該公司首先必須獲得中國有關部門發放的執照。 |
“We’re already doing quite a lot of Asian investments,” says Mr Lagrange, “but further down the road we will have Asian-centric equity long short funds and more resources on the ground”. |
“我們已經在進行相當大量的亞洲投資,”羅然志說。“但展望未來,我們將擁有以亞洲為主的多/空股票基金,並在亞洲當地部署更多資源。” |
China is already a “huge source of intelligence” for Man’s funds, Mr Lagrange said. The company has on-the-ground observers monitoring production at factories or consumption in luxury goods outlets, for example. |
羅然志表示,中國已經是英仕曼集團基金的“一大情報來源”。比如,該公司有一批實地觀察員,負責監控工廠的生產情況或奢侈品零售店的消費情況。 |
Asia has become a much less risky place to invest, says Mr Lagrange. “Ten years ago the big determinants of emerging market prices were macro factors and flows,” he says. “It’s reversed. Now those are what dominate investing in Europe.” |
羅然志稱,就投資而言,亞洲的風險已大為減小。“10年前,新興市場行情的重大決定因素是宏觀因素和資金流動,”他表示。“現在情況已經逆轉,那些成了在歐洲投資的決定因素。” |
Expansion in China remains a desirable but difficult objective for many hedge fund managers, however. While some have established sizeable offices in Hong Kong – including Man, which already has a 60-person operation there – few have ventured on to the mainland. |
不過,對許多對沖基金管理公司來說,擴張進入中國仍是一個可取、但困難的目標。盡管有些公司已在香港建立了規模可觀的辦公室(包括英仕曼集團,該公司的香港業務已經擁有60人的規模),但迄今很少有公司進入中國內地。 |