The US Federal Reserve has predicted that inflation will remain low in 2014, providing a clear signal that it is likely to ease policy further. |
美聯儲(FED)預測2014年美國通脹仍將處於較低水平。這發出了一個明顯的信號:美聯儲可能進一步放鬆貨幣政策。 |
Most Fed officials forecast inflation will sit at between 1.5 and 2 per cent over the next three years. That compares with the central bank’s unofficial goal of “2 per cent or a bit below” and would provide room for it to ease monetary policy. |
美聯儲大多數官員預計,未來3年的通脹率將保持在1.5%至2%之間,與美聯儲“2%或略低於2%”的非正式目標不相上下,這將帶來進一步放鬆貨幣政策的空間。 |
While further easing could involve a third round of quantitative easing – or QE3 – the Fed made no change to its monetary policy on Wednesday. |
盡管進一步放鬆可能涉及第三輪量化寬松(即QE3),但美聯儲周三並未改變貨幣政策。 |
It noted that “economic growth strengthened somewhat in the third quarter” but cautioned that “recent indicators point to continued weakness in labour market conditions” and cited “significant downside risks to the economic outlook, including strains in global financial markets”. |
美聯儲在報告中指出,“第三季度經濟增長在某種程度上有所走強”,但告誡稱,“近期一些指標顯示,勞動力市場依舊疲軟”,並表示,“經濟前景面臨一些重大下行風險,包括全球金融市場的一些緊張情況。” |
Charles Evans, president of the Chicago Fed, expressed his dissent with the decision, arguing in favour of immediate easing. |
芝加哥聯邦儲備銀行(Chicago Fed)行長查爾斯•埃文斯(Charles Evans)對保持貨幣政策不變的決定表示異議,他力主馬上放鬆政策。 |
Mr Evans’ opposition highlights the desire of some Fed officials to do more to support the economy. “You don’t dissent unless you feel like you represent more than one person,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial. |
埃文斯的異議凸顯出,美聯儲部分官員希望加大對經濟的扶持力度。芝加哥Mesirow Financial公司首席經濟學家黛安•斯旺克(Diane Swonk)表示:“一個人公開表示異議,說明他感到還有別的人看法跟自己一樣;否則他不會做出頭鳥。” |
The open market committee reiterated its earlier forecast that it would keep interest rates on hold “at least through mid-2013” and continue its campaign to drive down longer-term interest rates. |
公開市場委員會重申早先的聲明,稱將保持利率“至少到2013年中期”,並將繼續努力壓低長期利率。 |
It said it expected inflation to “settle, over coming quarters, at levels at or below those consistent with the committee’s dual mandate”. |
公開市場委員會表示,它預計通脹“在未來幾個季度會穩定於完成委員會雙重使命(指維持通脹穩定和推動就業最大化——譯者註)所需或更低一些的水平上”。 |
from :http://big5.ftchinese.com/story/001041519/ce