

France announces €65bn in savings

France’s centre-right government has announced an unexpectedly big package of budget savings as it seeks to counter fears that it could be sucked into the eurozone debt crisis.


Presenting the €65bn set of tax increases and spending cuts to be spread over five years, François Fillon, prime minister, said that the time had come to “protect the French from the grave difficulties experienced by many European countries”.

法國政府宣佈,在未來5年內,將通過增稅和減支實現減赤650億歐元。法國總理弗朗索瓦•菲永(Francois Fillon)表示,已經到了要“採取行動保衛法國的時候,以免法國經歷其它許多歐洲國家經歷的嚴重困難”。

“Our citizens are aware of the risks that deficits and debt pose to our life and our future. The word ‘default’ is not an abstract word,” Mr Fillon said.


The measures came just days after the G20 summit of leading global economies, hosted by France, failed to agree a comprehensive solution to the eurozone crisis. They reflect President Nicolas Sarkozy’s concern to bolster the country’s public finances and preserve its triple A credit rating before the presidential election next April.

減赤計劃推出前幾天,世界領先經濟體國家組成的20國集團(G20)峰會剛剛在法國舉行。峰會未能就歐元區危機達成一個全面的解決方案。減赤計劃反映出,法國總統尼古拉•薩科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)擔心不能在大選前重振公共財政並保持法國AAA的主權評級。法國大選將於明年4月份舉行。

The new package envisages an additional €7bn in savings next year and a further €11.6bn in 2013. The 2012 total contrasts sharply with an announcement in Germany on Sunday of a €6bn tax cut next year.


Companies with turnover above €250m will pay an extra 5 per cent tax in 2012 and 2013 and the reduced value added tax rate for restaurants and building renovation will be raised from 5.5 per cent to 7 per cent.


Mr Fillon stressed that the measures would enable France to eliminate its deficit in 2016 and stick to its aim of cutting public debt, set to peak at more than 87 per cent of GDP in 2012.


Tullia Bucco, economist at UniCredit, welcomed the measures. “This really aims at sending a strong message in terms of commitment to fiscal discipline,” she said. “Considering we are entering into an election period, I think the government really did a lot.”

聯合信貸銀行(UniCredit)經濟學家圖利亞•布科(Tullia Bucco)對法國的減赤舉措表示歡迎。“這些舉措確實是為了發出一個強烈的信號,表明法國願意承諾保持財政自律。”布科表示,“鑒於大選在即,我認為政府的確做了很多事。”


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